LTE Products
While many chip and reference design products are in the design and roadmap stage, some products have already been released, particularly those that share a common platform with WiMAX.
LTE products
ADI is in production with the AD9352 and AD9354 WiMAX transceivers, which can also be used in LTE designs. The company reports that it is researching LTE solutions now. PicoChip expects to have its reference design product available next year. For now, it is shipping the PC203 picoArray signal processor.
Linear Technology reports that a number of its products are currently in use in first-generation LTE basestation designs. These include the LT5557 downconverting active mixer and the LT5579 upconverting active mixer; the LT5575 I/Q demodulator; LT5570 and LT5581 RMS detector; wideband intermediate frequency (IF) amplifiers; wideband active filters; and high-speed analog to digital converters (ADCs).
No doubt, we will be hearing a lot about LTE as the standards evolve, are frozen and more products hit the market. The technical discussion is only just beginning, and upcoming technical conferences, such as next month's LTE: Towards Mobile Broadband conference in Dallas, TX, are likely to advance the conversation even more.
12/01/2008 12:01 AM EST by EE Times Janine Love